Account opening     


Please select the purpose of opening the account

Select the purpose of opening the account

It is important that you read and understand the full Universal Terms and Conditions before completing your online account opening application as they are applicable upon opening an account with us.

Find your nearest branch

Use our branch finder to help find your branch.

Use our branch finder to help find your branch.

Are you interested in applying for any of the following products?

This will help us provide you with timely and relevant support. 

HIDDEN productCode

HIDDEN offerId

HIDDEN ebsCode

HIDDEN acquisitionCode

HIDDEN acquisitionSource

HIDDEN branchCode


Based on what you've told us:

The purpose of opening the account is: ${radiobuttontile1673520326118}

Your location (state) is: ${dropdown1673520528415}

Your selected branch is: ${KualaLumpurCONV}

Your selected branch is: ${KualaLumpurAMH}

Your selected branch is: ${SelangorCONV}

Your selected branch is: ${SelangorAMH}

Your selected branch is: ${NegeriCONV}

Your selected branch is: ${NegeriAMH}

Your selected branch is: ${MalaccaCONV}

Your selected branch is: ${MalaccaAMH}

Your selected branch is: ${JohorCONV}

Your selected branch is: ${JohorAMH}

Your selected branch is: ${PahangCONV}

Your selected branch is: ${PahangAMH}

Your selected branch is: ${PerakCONV}

Your selected branch is: ${PerakAMH}

Your selected branch is: ${PenangCONV}

Your selected branch is: ${PenangAMH}

Your selected branch is: ${KedahCONV}

Your selected branch is: ${KedahAMH}

Your selected branch is: ${KelantanCONV}

Your selected branch is: ${KelantanAMH}

Your selected branch is: ${SarawakCONV}

Your selected branch is: ${SarawakAMH}

Your selected branch is: ${SabahCONV}

Your selected branch is: ${SabahAMH}

You're interested in applying for: ${applyforadditionalproductsCC}

You're interested in applying for: ${applyforadditionalproductsINV}